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Zama, Japan
Thought I would try this out. Mommy, daughter, sister, wife, friend, cousin.

Friday, January 9, 2009

Say hello to my little friend....

So on the way to bingo last night we ran into a raccoon on this windy road nicknamed "snake road" because it is so windy and steep. There are woods on either side and we see raccoons going across all the time. They don't seem to be too afraid of people. This one stuck around long enough to let me fish out my camera and take a ton of pics in an attempt to get some that you could see him pretty good. Easier said than done as it was pitch black outside. He was a really cute little guy and looked hungry so we threw him some Doritos. He was happy to eat them as we looked on.
Here comes my little friend....

He is wondering if we have anything to eat...

So we had to throw him some Doritos!!!

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